Абсолютно не понял, как этой фигнёй управлять. Получается все время каша, вообще не имеющая отношения к промпту.Дмитрий Марков писал(а): ↑02 янв 2025, 22:17Дает. Не для красоты. В g можно писать текст, в l тэги.
What exactly is text_g and text_l for SDXL?
I don't quite understand the difference with the CLIP Text Encoder having these two fields. Lot's of people speculating on it, but nothing seems conclusive.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
There are some individuals who insist that separating these gives much better results. They will put main subject in one like "a cowboy leaning on a fence" and the stylistic terms in the other "cinematic still frame magic hour". Color me skeptical. I haven't seen output that justifies complicating the prompting process in this way. I'm open to being convinced it's worthwhile, but I'll let others do the testing, as I'm content for now using a single positive field and stringing that to both of the two CLIP inputs.
А вот эта куча скринов без комментария - это про что? В чем их цимес?